Rochester Public School Board

School Board Members

*not pictured Director Stephanie Whitehorn

Contact Us

Assistant School Board Clerk
Anne Kraemer
Email Assistant School Board Clerk | Phone: 507.328.4224

School Board Members
School Board members can be reached by phone, email, or U.S. Mail. Their information is listed on the Meet the Board web page.

School Board

The Rochester Public School Board of Education, or School Board, is a body of locally elected individuals who represent the community they serve; whose power and authority are granted to school boards by the state; and whose purpose is to ensure effective, efficient, and equitable delivery of high quality education to all the School District’s students through adoption of policy.

The Rochester School Board has seven voting members, called Directors. The Superintendent is a non-voting, ex-officio member of the School Board. Each School Board member position is identified by a Seat numbered 1-7. Each School Board member serves a 4-year term.

The School Board Handbook documents information about the Rochester School Board and how it operates. This is a helpful guide for community members looking for a deeper understanding of the work of the School Board.

Meet the Board

As elected members of your Rochester Public School Board, we are responsible for working together to set policy, approveour district's budget, and oversee the Superintendent. We look out for the best interests of the district to ensure that we best serve each and every student.

School Board Meetings

Access dates of scheduled School Board meetings and meeting agendas, documents and minutes; watch meeting videos; and catch up with meeting recaps.

School Board Communications

Learn about effective ways to communicate with the School Board, including emails and Comments to the Board.

District Policies

School Board Policies have the same force as law. District Policies and can be found on our Simbli eBoard site.

School Board Elections

School Board Members are elected officials. School Board elections are held every four years.