Image of Hoover Elementary School building exterior

About Hoover Early Learning School

Hoover Early Learning School is filled with the wonder, joy, and budding curiosity of more than 200 three-to-five-year-olds. The District's newest preschool opened in Fall 2018 on the campus of Hoover Elementary School. We are located in NW Rochester but serve students throughout the District.

Because we share a campus with Hoover Elementary School, our preschool students often have opportunities to connect and learn from their older peers. Some of our students’ favorite experiences include being the live audience to a 5th grade concert in the music classroom. While we share some spaces with our elementary friends, Hoover Early Learning School students are taught in a wing of the overall school specific to preschool and our students also enjoy an outdoor place space just for them.

Preschool classrooms were designed to meet the needs of the District’s youngest learners with age appropriate furniture, bathrooms, and flexible space to play and learn in. Our early school environment consist of Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classes, tuition-based preschool courses, and classrooms that are a combination of both ECSE and preschool students.

Visit Us

369 Elton Hills Drive NW,  Rochester, MN 55901

Frequently Used Phone Numbers

Phone: 507.328.4550
Attendance: 507.328.4549
PACC: 507.328.4563
Health Office: 507.328.3468

Contact Us

Image of Angela McHugh

Angela McHugh

Office Manager
507.328.4550 | Email Angela McHugh

Jamie Patrick

Jamie Patrick

Coordinator of Early Childhood Special Education, Hoover Early Learning School
507.328.4550 | Email Jamie Patrick

Emily Pearson

Emily Pearson

507.328.4550 | Email Emily Pearson

Male preschool student creating a crown during arts and crafts project time

Preschool students sitting in a semi-circle on the floor wearing their storytime crowns while listening to their teacher tell a story.

Preschool staff member smiling at a female preschool student wearing her crown.