RPS Preschool focuses on child development, facilitating learning in social and emotional, cognitive, and physical development, literacy and language, math, science, and the arts. Our children play to learn, with whole-group, small-group, and individualized opportunities. Our licensed teachers and talented assistants provide caring, quality environments where the love of learning will flourish.

Individualized Learning

We recognize that all children need individualized learning experiences offered in a play-based learning environment by teachers skilled in building strong and nurturing relationships. RPS Preschool offers a variety of preschool options, including a.m., p.m., and All-Day services for young children and their families.

Our Approach

Preschool teachers employ today’s best practices in helping children develop as people and as learners to support life-long success. We feature The Creative Curriculum®, a nationally recognized early learning system, and we assess student progress across learning and development domains with the Teaching Strategies GOLD® tool. Together, these allow us to individualize teaching and learning to help students make the most growth and develop their love of learning.

RPS has implemented the Classroom Engagement Model (CEM), a set of research-based teaching practices that lead to increased engagement and full participation of every child in the classroom, which in turn leads to more learning, increased skill acquisition, and better outcomes.

Across RPS Preschool, we evaluate the quality of teacher-student interaction with a research-based tool called CLASS®, which provides administrators and teachers a productive framework to expand cognitive development and meet student needs. For students who require additional services to meet their goals, RPS Preschool offers special education services including speech and language support, mental health support, and other positive interventions. Our professionals work as a team to meet our students’ needs.